FREY – The Complete Laundry Package – Review + Coupon

Price: Varies based on the box – this particular box is $42

Website Description of Box:  “The perfect pairing between The Detergent, The Fabric Conditioner, and our Dryer Sheets. Our innovative, concentrated detergent blended with natural surfactants and our softener, a mix of gentle softening agents created to soften and reduce wrinkles, coupled with our fragrant, static-reducing dryer sheets, all mixed with our top-rated fragrance.

50 concentrated loads detergent, 50 loads fabric conditioner, (16oz each), 40 dryer sheets. High-efficiency/HE compatible, cold-water capable.

Blended with biodegradable, natural ingredients and a concentrated formula to minimize waste. WITHOUT sulfates, parabens, synthetic dyes, or animal testing.

Shipping: Varies – was free to Washington State.

This box was sent to us free of charge for review purposes.  View our Disclosure to learn more about our process.  This post may contain referral/affiliate links. If you buy something, The Review Girls may earn a commission.

FREY sent us their Complete Laundry Kit for review.  Previously, I have never heard of FREY  so I did some digging to find out if they would be something our readers would like to hear about.  What I found was pretty amazing.  They were founded by two brothers who were curious as to why the laundry industry had remained basically unchanged since the 1950s.  Why the huge bottles of soap that are watered down to appear that consumers are getting more product and why all the harsh chemicals? 

I guess I personally never really thought about it that way, but I see what where FREY is coming from.  I typically use the Kirkland brand laundry pods since I can’t stand pouring the large bottles of soap into the cap to measure, so I’m going into this review with an open mind.  My first impressions are very good.  The packaging, pumps, scent, and instructions all scream luxury.   Although I never associated that word with laundry before, I somehow instantly feel like my laundry room will look and feel better with these products on the shelf. 

When signing up for a kit, subscribers have the option to pick from two scents.  I chose “Sandalwood, Bergamot, Clove”.   If I were blindfolded and someone asked me what I was smelling, my guess is AXE body wash or my husband’s cologne.  Never in a million years could I imagine it’s laundry detergent!  Also offered is “Cedarwood, Oakmoss, Amber”.  See the below screenshot from the FREY website to see how they describe each scent.

Laundry Detergent

I knew the scent of this detergent would be an instant win for both my son and my husband.  However, I wasn’t sure that it would be subtle enough for my clothes.  It has been one week since we switch to the FREY brand and I have to say overall we like it.  The scent is still on our clothes but isn’t overwhelming.  Our clothes feel cleaner, I don’t feel the residual detergent that I felt with other products.  My favorite part is the pump bottle.  I use pods since I can’t stand having to pour the large bottles into a cap to measure but I never thought about a pump bottle.  

Laundry Conditioner

This is the product that I was most excited about.  I typically don’t use a conditioner but thought it might help with some items that wrinkle no matter how fast I fold them.  I didn’t notice an improvement on the wrinkles, but I did notice items came out substantially softer when using the conditioner.  Also, I find that only using the detergent and skipping this product makes the scent fade quicker.  For that reason alone, I suggest consumers use both items for best results.

Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are not something that I typically get excited about.  However, the thought of using three products on my laundry that all include the same scent did hold my interest.  I really like the minimalistic look of the packaging.  Also, the dryer sheets feel very thick and much higher quality than store brands.  I only used one per large load and my laundry came out static-free and smelling fantastic!  The only thing that gets me is the fact that the detergent and conditioner come in bottles for 50 washes. These come in a 40 pack.  I am weird with numbers and for some reason hung up that the number of dryer sheets don’t coincide with the same amount of washes.


Now for the big question.  If I were paying for this service, would I be satisfied?  First, I did the math and figured out that I spend about 86 cents per load between everything I use.  After breaking this kit down, I found that I would only be paying 84 cents per load.  Based on the scent, packaging, and given how well it cleaned my clothes, I can say I would most definitely order this complete laundry kit in the future!  I really love the smaller size of the bottles since it will fit better in my laundry room.  And my husband and son are digging the “manly” scent.  I highly recommend you at least get the sample for $1 and see if it is something that would work well for your family.


Try FREY Today!

Just pay $1 for shipping.


All views in this review are the opinion of the author. The Review Girls will never accept payment in exchange for a review, but will accept a box at no cost to provide honest opinions on the box. This post may contain affiliate/referral links. Read our complete disclosure

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