Schoolyard Snacks – March 2021 Review

Price: $1.87-$2.50/bag, depending on quantity ordered.  Plus save 10% with subscription service

Website Description: “Old School Snacks Made the New Way.  In an act of pure magic, we’ve reinvented our favorite carb-loaded cereals and snacks from childhood by replacing the carbs and sugar with high-quality protein and monk fruit (a natural sweetener with zero sugar).  No gluten or grains. No long ingredient list with big words. Just a sweet, delightful crunch that will transport you right back to childhood.”

Shipping: Free Shipping

Ships to: US Only

These products were sent to us free of charge for review purposes.  View our Disclosure to learn more about our process.  This post may contain referral/affiliate links. If you buy something, The Review Girls may earn a commission.

I have been on and off Keto for three years now.  I typically jump on when I start to notice my sugar cravings getting out of control and my energy levels going down.  And I tend to stay on KETO, at least loosely, for about six months at a time.  When I am cutting carbs, I always miss cereal, and of course chips.  Trying new low-carb snacks is one of my favorite passtimes since I am able to get a great list of food that I can enjoy guilt-free.  Schoolyard Snacks have been on my list to try for a while now, so I was excited when they reached out for a review.  Keep reading to see what I thought about their Peanut Butter KETO Cereal and Cheddar Cheese KETO Puffs.

KETO Cereal, Peanut Butter

These individually packaged peanut butter cereals from Schoolyard Snacks are only 100 calories and 1 net carb!  To make it even better, they have 15 grams of protein per serving.   Plus, all of the ingredients were ones that I could read and understand, which is always a good sign.  Based on all of this information, I felt like this cereal could quickly become one of my go-to snacks.

For me, cereal is more than just a breakfast staple.  I frequently find myself grabbing a handful of cereal for a snack.  And that is something I always miss dearly when I revert back to my low-carb life.  I tried my first bag as an afternoon snack (no milk).  It took me a few bites to get used to the texture and the flavor, but after that, I was SOLD.  I couldn’t wait to try a bag for breakfast the next day.  When I tell you I jumped out of bed the next morning, I’m not exaggerating.  I tore open a bag and splashed on some unsweetened coconut milk.

This time around, I didn’t need a few bites to become accustomed to the crunch and taste.  I was immediately in love with this cereal!  Schoolyard Snacks offers a lot of other flavors and eventually, I will get around to trying more.  But for now, this is my favorite KETO cereal and I will stick with the peanut butter flavor.

KETO Puffs, Cheddar Cheese

The nutritional facts for the KETO Puffs were equally impressive.  With only 1 gram of net carbs, 100 calories, and 14 grams of protein.  While I’m not typically reaching for cheddar cheese puffs, I do tend to desire savory snacks now and then.  Therefore, I figured these puffs would be perfect to have on hand when a craving hits.  And again, since they are low in carbs and have no artificial ingredients, I could feel good about eating the whole bag.

Out of all the flavors of puffs that Schoolyard Snacks had to offer, Cheddar was at the bottom of my list.  So I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with this snack.  But they turned out to be quite delicious.  The crunch, flavor, and orange fingers reminded me of a snack I love when I’m not on Keto.  You know which snack I’m talking about!  I gave a bag to my 7-year-old son to see what he thought and he loved them just as much as I did.  What a perfect guilt-free treat to add to our pantry.  Now, I need to go and order some bags of the Fiery Hot Puffs…you know, for research purposes.


I love everything about these two products from Schoolyard Snacks.  The macros fit perfectly into my low-carb lifestyle.  The serving sizes felt like more than enough to curb my hunger.  The flavor and texture satisfied my cravings.  From where I sit, these are the perfect guilt-free snack to have on hand.  I can feel good about eating both products and serving them to my family.  Now I really need to go order the Firey Hot Puffs, so you will have to excuse me.

Shop Schoolyard Snacks today!


All views in this review are the opinion of the author. The Review Girls will never accept payment in exchange for a review, but will accept a box at no cost to provide honest opinions on the box. This post may contain affiliate/referral links. Read our complete disclosure.

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