So Hi-Vibe – November 2018 Review & Coupon

Price: $34.99

Website Description of Box: “So Hi-Vibe brings you practical tools for inner peace . Each box contains 5-7 vibe boosting items to help you maintain a state of high vibration and keep a cycle of positive emotions flowing throughout your day. You will also receive 30 Quest Activity Suggestions, Quick Shift tools, fun ways to connect, and more awesome So Hi-Vibe greatness!”

Shipping: Depends on location within US

Ships to: US

The first thing I noticed upon opening this box was all the really cool printouts. They not only had positive affirmations but, they gave me a list of things to think about and actions to follow up with. For example, one of the printouts (center) said: “Think back to the best compliment you ever received.” I’m not sure if I immediately thought about the ‘best’ compliment but after a rough week, even thinking of a good compliment made me instantly feel better and it brought a smile to my face.

This box was sent to us free of charge for review purposes.  View our Disclosure to learn more about our process.  This post may contain referral/affiliate links. If you buy something, The Review Girls may earn a commission.

Some people may think these types of sayings or positive affirmations are cheesy but, I personally believe they really work!

Now let’s take a look at the items that were in this box.

The Mini Book of Mindfulness – Simple Meditation Practices to Help you Live in the Moment by Camilla Sanderson – $5.95

I loved this book so much. I not only liked how it was mini because it was adorable but, I liked it for the convenience of the size so I can keep it at my desk/or in my purse for a quick daily reminder to practice being mindful. I can’t tell you how important practicing mindfulness is. Even if you aren’t into meditation, I guarantee this is one simple step that will help you have a much healthier mindset. I don’t speak for everyone obviously but, when I stay on top of this, my mental health also improves dramatically.

Lavender & Chamomile Essential Oil Dough – Dough For It – $4.00

This stuff is amazing! Not only does it smell super yummy, but I also love playing with it. I find myself one of those people drawing throughout the day, or like to do something with my hands when I’m bored or stressed so this was perfect for me. I also loved that this was made specifically for So-Hi Vibes subscribers and curated to fit within the box perfectly. I highly recommend a product like this to keep at your desk or at home. There was something about squeezing this dough when I was particularly stressed out that felt good.

Yogi Tea – Sweet Tangerine Positive Energy – $3.99

I love a nice cup of hot tea as a way to unwind, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this item in the box. I don’t know if it was the act of having the hot cup of tea on a chilly night, or the actual blend itself, but, I actually did feel very relaxed while sipping on this. The tangerine was a nice bold flavor, and I will continue to enjoy this on these upcoming chilly nights.

Tumeric & Honey Face Mask – $10.00 

I was extremely intrigued when I saw this item in the box. I know that there’s a lot of health benefits using turmeric so I was excited to try this mask. A lot of people swear by it for headaches, joint pain, allergies (hay fever), the common cold, etc. While I can’t say it cured any ailments, it did make my skin super smooth. The directions indicated you could substitute apple cider vinegar in lieu of water to make the paste for the mask but, I personally cannot stand the smell of apple cider vinegar, so water worked perfectly.

Raw Sugar Cube Bath Fizzers – Raw Coconut Mango Bath Bomb – $7.99

I, unfortunately, did not get a chance to try these out yet but, these awesome bath bombs are filled with some amazing ingredients. They are completely vegan, cruelty-free, and filled with only natural ingredients. I love using sugar scrubs, so it only makes sense that they would make for some great bath bombs.

Master Plan Notebook – Estimated Value $10.00

I believe I’ve mentioned this in previous reviews before but, I absolutely love getting new notebooks. I’m constantly writing down things and I like to take handwritten notes. For some reason, that really helps me remember things, so I totally embrace getting new notebooks all the time. I loved how colorful and cute this one was as well. The only weird part is if you look at master, it looks like “maister” because of how the L is written out but, it was not a big deal to me at all.

Ostrich Resistance Latex Workout Bands – $10.95

These were really amazing to use. I normally cycle in a spin class 4-5 times a week so my leg muscles are often fatigued. These felt great to stretch with after a long day. I liked how they came in different resistance options, and depending on how I felt that day, I could adjust accordingly. After looking at the Ostrch’s website, it looks like there are many reasons and ways you can use these bands – so that was cool to see. The only downside would be is if you have a latex allergy, you’d want to stay away. They also came in this nice black bag so they’re extremely convenient to travel with.

Pampered with Nature – Pumpkin Spice Vegan Lip Balm – $3.00

This was a super nice lip balm and it kept my lips feeling smooth all day. Plus, please give me all the pumpkin spice flavored things! I will take them all off of your hands. If you’re a vegan, or just want some nice quality lip balm, give Pampered with Nature a look. It appears they have a pretty nice shop on Etsy and I love supporting smaller businesses, so I was glad to see this item in the box!

Overall Thoughts

Overall, if you add up the price of this box, it’s definitely above what you’re paying for, so you’re for sure getting your monies worth. I really do appreciate that, and I felt like none of the products were of poor quality. Also, the box was packaged so nicely and very pleasing to the eyes at first glance. This is something I really like, and I think it’s important companies take the time to package everything up well. Plus, I really can’t say enough things about how good this box made my spirit and overall mental state feel. Each item felt like it had a purpose for me to live a happy life as cheesy as that sounds. I found myself most drawn to the stress ball and will continue to use it often!

Give So-Hi Vibe try today!

Use Code REVIEWVIBES for 50% off your first box! 


All views in this review are the opinion of the author. The Review Girls will never accept payment in exchange for a review but will accept a box at no cost to provide honest opinions on the box. This post may contain affiliate/referral links. Read our complete disclosure.

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