The Introverted Chick – March 2019 Review & Coupon

Price: $39.99/month

Website Description of Box:  “This sub box is curated and created by an Introverted Chick for other Introverted Chicks. Each month you’ll get at least 5-7 cool, interesting, usable items. It’s a celebration of solitude, coziness, quirkiness, and staying home. Just want other people to stfu?…I always include some Quiet Attitude for you to share with others. (Heh heh.)”

Shipping: $7 to US, $20 to Canada, and $25 other international.

Ships to: Worldwide

This box was sent to us free of charge for review purposes.  View our Disclosure to learn more about our process.  This post may contain referral/affiliate links. If you buy something, The Review Girls may earn a commission.

Hands down, the insert from The Introverted Chick is my favorite insert to read.  Sarah’s humor is perfectly aligned with my personality and I feel like I’m reading a letter from one of my best friends when I read her writing.   In this month’s insert, she even let on to expect another surprise in the mail as the month goes on.  I wonder what it could be?  I have never seen another subscription box do this, so I’m really intrigued!!

The contents of the box are always really nicely packed, normally separated by colorful tissue paper.  Fragile items are packed with care using bubble wrap.  You can tell a lot of thought is put into everything with this box.

CreativeCo-Op, Metal Bird Clip

I am still not sure what I will do with this clip, but it is really charming.  I was thinking it would make a nice bag clip, however, it doesn’t open quite wide enough for that.  I am thinking I might glue a magnet to the back and use it to hold my shopping list on the fridge.  I love the antique look of the bird, so adorable.

Blue Q, “Go Away” Dish Towel

I’ll admit I laughed when I saw this towel.  I could see me using this when I have friends over.  Most of my friends understand my introvert struggle.  I love having people over to the house, but it always takes me quite time to get my bearings back after guests leave.  The design is really cute and retro, which I love.

My Ice Cream Spoon

My 5-year-old son already claimed this as his own.  He thought it was cool that it was engraved and he loves ice cream, so he figured it was made for him. In the insert, Sarah mentioned that she had these custom made for the subscribers which I thought was the coolest thing ever.  Little touches like that show how much thought is put into the curation of this box.


Host, Freeze Cooling Bowl

I have never seen a product like this!  How unique is this item?  You simply put it in the freezer for four hours and then fill with your cold item and the bowl will stay nice and cold while sitting out at a gathering.  I love this idea!  We will be hosting my family for Easter and I can’t wait to put some guac in this bowl and test it out.

Low Star Studio, More Ice Cream, Less Social Magnet

This is another item that was made especially for the subscribers.  The artist, Rachel Ignatiev, incorporated The Introverted Chick’s colors into one of her designs just for the box.  Again, another important detail that shows how well curated this box is.  I have this proudly on my fridge.

Swoffles, French Vanilla, Caramel, & Dark Chocolate Dipped

If you haven’t ever tried these delicious treats, you need to.  I am in love with the caramel flavor.  I like to have mine with afternoon coffee, but I bet it would be wonderful with a bowl of ice cream as well.  I always love when boxes throw in a food item, especially when it is one that is this gratifying.

DEMDACO, Serving Tray and Spreader

I am always in awe of people that use a serving tray at gatherings.  I feel like those are the people that have their lives together.  Unfortunately,  I have never been one of those people.  While I always say I will buy one, it often falls by the wayside until the next gathering when I think about it again.  Needless to say, I was delighted to finally put a serving tray in my cabinets and I will make sure to use this at Easter as well.  I am proud to say that now I am one of those people that have my life together.

BODIPURE, Keratin Socks and Gloves

Self-care items are also another favorite of mine to get in subscription boxes.  Often I don’t take time to think about pampering myself so getting something small like they keratin items is a great reminder to take time for myself.

L.E.A.V.E. Scrabble Tiles

The sticker on this small envelope had me cracking up before I even opened it.  I already knew what it would say, just based off my experience with this box thus far.  I was laughing way too hard at these tiles.  I’m not sure what I will do with them, but the laugh alone was worth having these in the box.

Separate Surprise Item

Stay tuned for an update once received this item in the mail!


As an introvert, I deeply related to this box month after month.  The insert and all items are very well thought out each month which shows that a great deal of time and consideration are placed on every detail about this subscription box.  One of my favorite things about The Introverted Chick is the fact that they curate the items that compliment each other.   Even if there isn’t a set theme for the month, the products feel like they were meant to go together.  I always get excited about getting this box.  This month in particular really stuck out to me.  As an introvert, people assume that I don’t like to socialize.  Fact is, I do like to socialize it just takes me time mentally to both prepare for extended interactions and also to decompress after the matter.  I thought the items in this box were perfectly curated to get me to step out of my comfort zone and host a small gathering at my place, while also making me laugh at the same hints for people to leave.

Try The Introverted Chick today!

Use code REVIEWGIRLS10 to save 10%.


All views in this review are the opinion of the author. The Review Girls will never accept payment in exchange for a review, but will accept a box at no cost to provide honest opinions on the box. This post may contain affiliate/referral links. Read our complete disclosure.

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