FREY – Free Sample Review

Price: These boxes are FREE, just pay $1 shipping

Website Description:  “Revolutionary products from humble beginnings, created to make a big impact.  FREY was created with you as the focus. Striving for the highest quality ingredients and minimalistic elegance, FREY brings a new element of class to laundry and clothing care, while making a positive impact on the world .  Blended with biodegradable, natural ingredients and a concentrated formula to minimize waste. WITHOUT sulfates, parabens, synthetic dyes, or animal testing.”

Shipping: $1 for the trial boxes

Laundry Trial

The Review Girls Paid for this box.  View our Disclosure to learn more about our process.  This post may contain referral/affiliate links. If you buy something, The Review Girls may earn a commission.

Shampoo Trial

Previously FREY had sent us their Complete Laundry Kit for review, you can read that full review here.  Before reviewing their products, I had never heard of FREY  so I did some digging to find out if they would be something our readers would like to hear about.  What I found was pretty amazing.  They were founded by two brothers who were curious as to why the laundry industry had remained basically unchanged since the 1950s.  Why the huge bottles of soap that are watered down to appear that consumers are getting more product and why all the harsh chemicals?  Over the course of testing and reviewing their laundry kit, I fell in love with FREY.  I have told a lot of readers about their free trial before realizing that I didn’t know what the trail boxes would look like.  So I figured I would fork out the $1 to see what our readers could expect from FREY’s free trial.  For the $1, I was able to get both the shampoo trial and the laundry trial, read on to see all my thoughts.

Laundry Trial

The laundry trial came with two different scents for us to try; CEDARWOOD, OAKMOSS, AMBER and SANDALWOOD, BERGAMOT, CLOVE.  Since I had already reviewed the FREY laundry kit, I knew what to expect from the Sandalwood version.  What I wasn’t sure of was the size of the bottles that would be sent.  Each bottle was enough for about three loads of laundry, which would be enough for a potential subscriber to figure out if they like the detergent or not.  All three of us in my household really liked both scents equally.  In the future, I think I will switch back and forth with my subscription so we can change it up between bottles.  The scents linger on our clothes for a few days but isn’t overwhelming at all.  As far as the cleaning power, I would say FREY does an excellent job, plus I don’t feel the residual detergent that I felt with other products.

Shampoo Trial

To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the “Personal Care Trial”.  I was a little shocked to see three different shampoos for me to try but in a good way.  For some reason, I was expecting a variety of personal care products.  That being said, I thought it would be cool to try each scent in one product that way I can know which one is best and order more products from that scent line.  All of them smelled wonderful but I decided to try the Sandlewood one for the sake of this review.  The small bottle is enough for about 3-4 uses for my long hair.  My hair felt squeaky clean after using it, and I needed to use a conditioner to soften it up a bit.  I would be interested in trying their conditioner along with the shampoo to get a better idea of their personal care products.  I may end up adding that to my laundry subscription to try out in the future.


For a $1 trial, I am shook at the number of items I was able to try.  Now I know that both laundry scents are equally amazing and I can feel good with my choice to go back and forth between the two.  Also, it was nice to see what their personal care line had to offer so I can add that to my list of products I would like to add to my routine in the future.  Overall, I highly recommend you at least get the sample for $1 and see if it is something that would work well for your family.

Try FREY Today!

Just pay $1 for shipping.


All views in this review are the opinion of the author. The Review Girls will never accept payment in exchange for a review, but will accept a box at no cost to provide honest opinions on the box. This post may contain affiliate/referral links. Read our complete disclosure

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